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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Posting from Gaytwogether (see blog list)

Listen to Michael..... he know what he is talking about.

You've just lost something, and can't find it. You spend the whole morning and tear the house apart, still can't find it. Retrace your steps, nope, look in places that it could have never possibly be, sure why not. Give up, nope, keep looking, late for work, I don't care it's here somewhere.

Obsessed, no not really, just not going to stop, I know it's here. Go through everything, twice. Someone must have stole it. That's ridiculous, I'm the only here. Sit down, re-group. Must have left it somewhere. Where was I? Okay that's even dumber than looking under the mattress.

Defeat is near. I'll just get a new one. I can't do that. I love this one, I've had it one too long. Maybe I'll find it later. Yeah, right, okay, it's lost. Your late, time to leave, it's cool out, you put on your jacket, it's in the pocket.

Stop searching. Really, I mean that. The harder you look, the the more the search becomes an exercise in futility. He's not at the bar, the grocery store, or Bed, Bath and Beyond. I don't mean don't look at that cute guy, a nice butt, or those beautiful eyes. I said stop searching, I didn't say stop breathing.

You need to get out, the love of your life won't be knocking at your door. You need to get out for only one reason - for yourself. Go where you want, do what you want to do. Have a great time! Find out what makes you happy. And then, whatever you're missing, whatever you're looking for, you'll soon find in your own heart. Your true happiness, your love waits to be found inside of you. And when you find it, when you make that wonderful discovery, someone else will too. Someone special. Trust me, I know, and so does he.


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