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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Posting from Gaytwogether (see blog list)

I have been following Michael's blog for quite a while now. It's so wonderful that he has found Steven.

First Things First: ---- Michael's Daily Diary ---- Sex, Love And More

Having sex, making love, or making love to someone you love. Three choices, and some of us are lucky enough to have experienced all three. This isn't a debate of which is better. For me, depending on the time in my life and the person, all three have been okay to great.

Having sex. There's no need to even to talk about that one, if you haven't been there, then I highly recomend it as a good start.

Making love. It doesn't start or end with just having sex. It's not love, it's sex with more of everything you love. More romance, maybe some wine, candles and music. More time, more touching, more kissing, more of what you want, more of what he wants.

Making love to someone you love. This goes beyond the romance and sex. There is an excitement that tugs at your heart, maybe even sneaks into your heart. Making love to someone you love remains part of the storybook of your loves, your life.

And then there is the ultimate. Two people making love who are both in love with each other. To have someone in your life who walks into the room and lights up your soul or touches you and sets you on fire. There is an intensity that is far beyond passion, when you make love you both become one.

Steven, thank you for walking into my life, my heart and my soul. You are the most remarkable person I've ever met, and how wonderful it is to have you so in love with me. I've told you, now I'm telling the world, I am so very much in love with you too.

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