
If you are not above the age of 18(21 depending on your location)PLEASE LEAVE NOW. If you are easily affended by adult/adult gay material PLEASE LEAVE NOW. Most if not all of the pics I post are gleened from free sites. If I have posted your copyrighted material, please provide proof of copyright and I will remove the posting as quickly as possible with my apologies.

The opinions and contents of this Blog are the opinions and work only of the individual blogger and should not be attributed to any other individuals or to any organization of which the blogger is a past or current member.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Polls have been added to the right column today.

Sorry Howard in CT

I was unaware as to how many times you have commented on posts.  I had it set up to get an email notification when I get comments.  Seems it wasn't working well.  I was just exploring the changes that Google has made to the blog format since I last posted, hopefully I have it set correctly this time.


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