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Saturday, October 4, 2008

What I would like to do with the CT Tech

Looks alot like the CT Tech

Not as loooong as I expected

At 8am I took the codeine with minimal results, as 9am I took the Vicadin with OK results, at 11am I took another dose of Vicadin with no results. TBC had to work today so I called my X and he had me at the St. Vincent emergency room by 12, where I expected IV fluids with a mild pain killer followed by an x-ray series that they us a die that is injected into the blood stream that makes me nauseous. What I got was the fluids, a kick ass pain killer and CT scan instead of the x-rays. By 1pm the stones, yes, stones, 2 of them, had passed from the kidney to the bladder, the worst is over!!!!!!!! Now those of you that have never had a kidney or gaul stone are probably thinking if they are still in the bladder it ain't over yet, so a quick medical lesson. The tube leading from the kidney has the inside diameter of a human hair, the tube from the bladder out has the inside diameter of a drinking straw. OK for the first stage, take an axe or something like it and whack the hell out of a bowling ball so that you have a large mass of sharp edges and points, now shove it thru a garden hose, now for stage two take that ball and shove it thru an irrigation pipe. As my stones are 4mm and 2mm you can see how stage one is so much worse than stage 2. The last time I passed a stone it was 5mm and took 18 hours to complete stage one, luckily this time was only about 6 hours. Another bonus to this time is that Dr. F. was quite doable as was one of the CT techs. For the next couple of days my kidney will be a bit sensitive there will be no long car rides, other than that I am back to normal(me normal? yeah right!), well as normal as one can be when they have to carry a strainer every where they go to pee in so that the stones can be saved and tested to make sure that they are the same composition as before. OK. Time to move on to something more pleasant.

Loooooong Weekend

In the last 2 hours I have taken 16mg of Codeine and 500mg of Vicodin, and my left kidney is still throbbing. I have passed over a dozen stones, but they have always been in the right kidney, the left kidney is a new issue. I guess after 7 years since my last stone my kidneys decided that I needed a reminder.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


The last thing we need in the White House is a gun toting, bible pounding, skirted, lipstick wearing pit bull.

Gee, can you tell I'm not a Palin fan????????



For the longest time I have been saying that we need "a bush" in the White House, not a "Bush".



Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Deep "thoughts"

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Today is the 2nd anniversary of the day that TBC and I met. Who'd a thunk, what the future would bring when I first saw him at my front door. It was supposed to just be a "blow and go", but we clicked. This relationship is unlike any I have ever been in. We are just letting nature take is own course and it seems to be working for us. We are both Capricorn's, I guess that's a good thing. We do not live together, and we both know that when the time is right it will happen. In the last 2 years the only time we have been apart for more than one night is when one of us is out of town. We spend 4 nights a week together and that makes me smile, even on the nights that we are not together, just thinking about him makes me smile. It has only been in the last few months that either of us has begun using the L word, I know I don't say it very often so I can only hope that he knows how I feel. I know he will read this because he has checked my blog every day since I started it and I have no dought that he will always be my number one fan.

I could sit here for hours typing sappy line after sappy line, but nothing would truly say how much of a positive difference you have made in my life. I love you.

I'm So Disappointed

I do not want to diminish Neal's talent, he totally deserved to win America's Got Talent.

But I am so disappointed that Eli didn't win. He has a style unlike anyone else and is so talented, not to mention so hot for a young pup. I know that it won't be that long and we will be hearing more from him and I am looking forward to getting his first CD.


Get busy living or get busy dieing.

Queen Emily/America's Got Talent

Sunday, September 28, 2008

More About Me

I grew up in a small town in south central NE, not all that far from SickoRicko(see blog list), but didn't meet him until a couple of years ago, he is a friend of TBC. I have one older half brother now living in Denver, and a younger half brother and half sister, both living with in a couple of miles from my Mom and stepfather that still live in that small town. Early on I quickly got the point that in my stepfathers eyes if you were not white, christian, straight, etc you had better be dam funny or you signature is the authorization signature on the payroll check. Now you have an idea as to why I was in total denial about being gay until I was 36.

My Mom and I are still very close even thou I have lived half a country away for the last 20 years, as for my stepfather, don't really give a f***.

I consider any one that I have lived with or was in a committed relationship with to have been/be a spouse. In my early 20s I met xwife #1. PG and I had great sex, but that is not enough to keep a relationship going. She had a miscarriage a few months before we broke up, that is the closest I have ever been to fatherhood. A couple of years after PG(Thank God the bitch dosen't have a clue where I am today.Thank God the bitch dosen't have a clue where I am today), I met MK(M stands for Married), we were on again/off again for over 3 years because she would not leave her husband until both of her kids were out of high school, even after both of the kids told her to drop him and go be with me, yes, her kids knew, most everyone we worked with knew, most if not all of her 9 brothers and sisters knew. When the opportunity to come to OR came about there was still 2 years before her youngest would graduate, so I moved to OR at the age of 26. I don't refer to MK as a spouse because... well several reasons, but she still has a place in my heart.

2 years after coming to OR I went back to school and got a degree in Computer Aided Drafting Technology. Graduated top of my class with a 4.0, was lucky to graduate high school with a 3.0.
It was in college that I meet a good friend BV, who would have thought that 3 years later he would become not only my good friend but my stepson-in-law. He and EV his then future xwife introduce me and her mother on New Years Eve 91. The following July BV and EV got married. At their wedding reception everyone kept coming up to BC(EV's mom) and I and saying something like "guess you 2 are next", we married 11 months later. With one "I Do" I became a husband, stepfather and step grand father, BC, xwife #2, was 13 years older than me. BC and I did the whole white picket fence thing. We bought a nice house, had two nice cars, I quite my engineering job and created my own small construction company. After 5 years of marriage we divorced, a year later BV and EV divorced also. I lost everything and ended up filing bankruptcy 2 years later. She to still has a place in my heart.

Ok, it's time to put this away for today and go make dinner for TBC and I.

Bumper Sticker

I had superpowers, but my therapist took them away.

Cowboy Butts Drive Me Nutts

As I said in my previous post I Am A Chest Man. Don't get me wrong, I know a hot ass when I see one, but there is just something about the way a tight pair of Wranglers and cowboy boots lift and shape a hot ass in to one that makes me drool......

I'm a chest man

If this man was standing naked in front of me and 5 minutes after he left and you asked me to discribe him I would say....

Chest, broad chest, hairy chest, totaly f'n awsome broad hairy chest. Haven't got a clue what the rest of him looks like.

A Few of My Favorites

Hubba Hubba

My First Entry

OK, people. Since this is my first posting I guess that I should tell you about the purpose of this blog and a bit about myself.

I am a 46 year old gay male living just out side of PDX(Portland, Or). I have a wonderful man in my life that I will call TBC(he spoils me so). We are completely committed to each other even thou we do not yet live together. We will be celebrating the second anniversary of our first meeting on Oct 1, 08. I work for a speciality furniture company and he is in antiques. Ok, more about me and my man later.

This blog is for me. You have been invited along for the ride so to speak. I will be posting lots of adult gay material as well as MY thoughts(what ever direction they may come from), opinions, inspirations, emotions, etc...... Over the last 15 or so years I have written over 40 poems and also have a large file of bits and pieces of poems waiting to be finished. I will be posting these from the file or as they come to me. ANY and ALL feedback from you will be greatly appreciated.