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Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Today is the 2nd anniversary of the day that TBC and I met. Who'd a thunk, what the future would bring when I first saw him at my front door. It was supposed to just be a "blow and go", but we clicked. This relationship is unlike any I have ever been in. We are just letting nature take is own course and it seems to be working for us. We are both Capricorn's, I guess that's a good thing. We do not live together, and we both know that when the time is right it will happen. In the last 2 years the only time we have been apart for more than one night is when one of us is out of town. We spend 4 nights a week together and that makes me smile, even on the nights that we are not together, just thinking about him makes me smile. It has only been in the last few months that either of us has begun using the L word, I know I don't say it very often so I can only hope that he knows how I feel. I know he will read this because he has checked my blog every day since I started it and I have no dought that he will always be my number one fan.

I could sit here for hours typing sappy line after sappy line, but nothing would truly say how much of a positive difference you have made in my life. I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Sooooo Sappy...
it makes my eyes watery.