
If you are not above the age of 18(21 depending on your location)PLEASE LEAVE NOW. If you are easily affended by adult/adult gay material PLEASE LEAVE NOW. Most if not all of the pics I post are gleened from free sites. If I have posted your copyrighted material, please provide proof of copyright and I will remove the posting as quickly as possible with my apologies.

The opinions and contents of this Blog are the opinions and work only of the individual blogger and should not be attributed to any other individuals or to any organization of which the blogger is a past or current member.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

My First Entry

OK, people. Since this is my first posting I guess that I should tell you about the purpose of this blog and a bit about myself.

I am a 46 year old gay male living just out side of PDX(Portland, Or). I have a wonderful man in my life that I will call TBC(he spoils me so). We are completely committed to each other even thou we do not yet live together. We will be celebrating the second anniversary of our first meeting on Oct 1, 08. I work for a speciality furniture company and he is in antiques. Ok, more about me and my man later.

This blog is for me. You have been invited along for the ride so to speak. I will be posting lots of adult gay material as well as MY thoughts(what ever direction they may come from), opinions, inspirations, emotions, etc...... Over the last 15 or so years I have written over 40 poems and also have a large file of bits and pieces of poems waiting to be finished. I will be posting these from the file or as they come to me. ANY and ALL feedback from you will be greatly appreciated.

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