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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Not as loooong as I expected

At 8am I took the codeine with minimal results, as 9am I took the Vicadin with OK results, at 11am I took another dose of Vicadin with no results. TBC had to work today so I called my X and he had me at the St. Vincent emergency room by 12, where I expected IV fluids with a mild pain killer followed by an x-ray series that they us a die that is injected into the blood stream that makes me nauseous. What I got was the fluids, a kick ass pain killer and CT scan instead of the x-rays. By 1pm the stones, yes, stones, 2 of them, had passed from the kidney to the bladder, the worst is over!!!!!!!! Now those of you that have never had a kidney or gaul stone are probably thinking if they are still in the bladder it ain't over yet, so a quick medical lesson. The tube leading from the kidney has the inside diameter of a human hair, the tube from the bladder out has the inside diameter of a drinking straw. OK for the first stage, take an axe or something like it and whack the hell out of a bowling ball so that you have a large mass of sharp edges and points, now shove it thru a garden hose, now for stage two take that ball and shove it thru an irrigation pipe. As my stones are 4mm and 2mm you can see how stage one is so much worse than stage 2. The last time I passed a stone it was 5mm and took 18 hours to complete stage one, luckily this time was only about 6 hours. Another bonus to this time is that Dr. F. was quite doable as was one of the CT techs. For the next couple of days my kidney will be a bit sensitive there will be no long car rides, other than that I am back to normal(me normal? yeah right!), well as normal as one can be when they have to carry a strainer every where they go to pee in so that the stones can be saved and tested to make sure that they are the same composition as before. OK. Time to move on to something more pleasant.

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