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Monday, August 17, 2009

House Hunting (Update) 8-17-09

Pic #1 taken from the back steps leading to the back yard, yes, those are blackberry vines...

Pic #2 is straight on from the street, not much to look at now but in time it will look much better.

Pic #3 is the view from my neighbor/friend/co-workers front step

Pic #4 is the view of his house from my front porch. I definitely have the better view.... for now....
Well the bank still hasn't paid the back utilities/HOA dues yet so the inspection has yet to be scheduled. The appraisal report was supposed to be in today and I haven't heard any thing more on it, I still don't know how they could do the appraisal inspection with out the utilities on to be able to make sure the water heater and the HVAC are working.
I met the lady that lives next to me on the east. She works for my toy store (Home Depot), we are going to get along just fine.....
Well it has been a long hot day and it is going on 10 so I am going to call it a day and go to bed. I plan on doing my regular Monday posting tomorrow, no promises, but I will do my best.
Nite Y'all

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