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Monday, October 27, 2008

More About Me

Ok.... last time I ended with my coming out to myself in therapy, and how much happier my life has been since then. Shortly after my life altering revelation, my insurance ran out, and John and his wife had recently purchased this beautiful Victorian house in northwest PDX that the were in the process of updating and restoring. So when my insurance ran out we went to the barter system, I would provide labor for installing tile on the floors and counters, etc and he would be there to help with the installation while continuing my sessions. We would limit out time for my sessions to a couple of hours at a time even thou we may be working all day. All along I had been discovering my preference in men. Having said that its time to tell about the the therapy session on his kitchen floor. First let me describe John and Jen for you. John is 6'5" broad chested with what I would say was probably about a 29" waist, jet black hair cut short with just a hint of gray at the temples, jet black stash and goatee again with just a hint of gray at the corners of his mouth, and when he smiled at you there was not way you couldn't smile too, keeping up with the jet black theme you could see a nice thick patch of chest hair peaking out the the top of his dress shirts, he had a beautiful Italian tan, I have no idea of how to describe his ice blue eyes....Yes ...... he is the fuel for many a hot fantasy. The only thing John and Jen had in common were the ice blue eyes, she was 5'3", blond with a super model body type, they were a hot couple that perfectly complimented each other. I arrived on a chilly Saturday morning to tile the kitchen floor, John is waring a pear of Wrangler that make his back side almost impossible not to start drooling over, a light weight denim shirt with a t-shirt under it, Jen is dressed the same except she is wearing a pink flannel shirt. After coffee and donuts we get to work prepping the floor to be tiled. The furnace had been taken out the day before and the new HVAC system with AC wasn't going to be installed until the following Monday, as we started to work even tho the temps were quite chilly yet it wasn't long until John had unbuttoned and untucked his denim shirt, his skin tight t-shirt lift little to the imagination regarding his physic, needless to say that more than my mind liked the view. Keep in mind that it was late August so by 2 in the afternoon it was over 95, all three of us were down to our sweat soaked T's when John decides to take his off!!!!!!!!! I looked at him for what I now wish was a lot longer but it was a good 30 seconds, by that point I had the hardest boner ever. The T had hidden so much, the hair on his chest was so thick and black that you couldn't see skin through it, just his chest was like that but he also had a treasure trail that you just couldn't resist following. As soon as I realized that I was hard as a rock(luckily I was kneeling on the floor so he couldn't see), I turned away, took a couple of deep breaths then told him that if he expected me to get any more work done he had better put his shirt back on. I waited a few moments to turn back around to see that he had indeed put his shirt back on and also noticed that his cheeks were a bit flushed, I also noticed that Jen was cleaning up the soda that had sprayed out from her nose when I told John to put his shirt back on. By that time I felt that I must be fire engine red from head to toe. We went back to work in silence for the next several minutes, when he asked "so you liked what you saw?", the only thing that I could think of to say was "if I wasn't into broad hairy chests 5 minutes ago, I sure as hell am now." The three of us continued working and for the next 20 minutes or so talked about my recent discoveries of my taste in men(Jen was also a therapist). That was back in 98 and to this day if I close my eyes I can still picture him kneeling there on this kitchen floor with out his shirt on.

You may have noticed that I kept referring to John and Jen in the past tense. In the early summer of 99 I moved to Houston, A few months later I got word from Jen's sister that they along with Johns brother Jerry(yes, just as hot) were killed in a car accident in southern CA while on vacation.

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