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Saturday, October 25, 2008


The different types of Cowboys.

1. The true cowboy

Earns his living on horse back whether it be in a rodeo arena or the open range. Your ridem, ropem and brandem kind of man.

2. The regular cowboy

Is the type of guy that rides on a regular(often daily) basis but doesn't necessarily earn his living in the saddle.

3. The part time cowboy

Is the type that may not even own a horse but yet his back side has seen plenty of saddle time.

4. The fashion cowboy

Doesn't have a clue as to witch side you mount and dismount a horse from, hasn't got the slightest clue as to what it feels like to be saddle sore, and thinks that putting on a pair of boots and a hat makes him a cowboy. He is totally shocked to find out that true bare backing really means to ride a horse with out a saddle and has nothing to do with sex.

At this point in my life I am a part time cowboy, tho raised in the ranching/farming areas of the mid west. As a child I was taught to ride by my cousin, she believed that to be the best rider you can be is to learn to ride with nothing more than a halter and lead rope and to mount your horse with out the use of fences or other items to get on. I learned to ride a horse that was 17 hands, for those that don't know what that means, its a system of measuring the height of a horse at the withers, 17 hands is on the definitely on the tall side. I own several pairs of boots and wear them regularly because they are comfortable not because they or fashionable.

Thanks to Ray's Cowboy(see blog list) for this video.

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