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Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.....

The Good...

4-1-10 Went to Marion's Carpets and bought 1032 sq ft of new carpet.

The Bad...

On my way home from Marion's I stopped at Home Depot to get more Kilz to seal the floors again before the carpet goes down. I was in the store for about 15 minutes when I heard "will the owner of a silver chevy license number 123-ABC please return to your vehicle"...

The Ugly...

When I get out to my truck I found that my front bumper and cowl had been hit...

The Good...

The guy that hit my truck was the one that had me paged. After getting his info he left and I went back to finish my shopping. Leif's Auto shop was only two blocks away so I went there, in less than an hour they had helped me file a claim and get me into a rental and on the road.

More good...

Because the carpet for the master bedroom needs to be ordered and the rest is in stock so the installer will come out twice.

More bad...

The installer will pick up one 900+ sq ft roll of carpet and doesn't have any where to take that big of a roll to cit into more manageable pieces so I needed to clean the garage...

More good...

The garage is cleaned up enough that I now can fit my truck in the garage'

More ugly...

My computer is having a major bitch fest, at this point I have discovered that as long as I don't touch the key board I can do what ever I want. As a result I am using my laptop to do this posting.

Needless to say that postings will be few and far between for a while....

Sorry guys

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u gone 4 ever? miss u
