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Thursday, February 5, 2009

12 X 2

He spoils me. I don't clean out the cat box or take out the trash but maybe once every couple of months. I'll spend the day at work siking my self up to mowing the lawn after work only to get home and find that he has already done it. I can't even remember the last time that I bought toilet paper or paper towels and yet haven't run out of them in ages. He finds woodworking tools at garage sales and Goodwill. I'll go to bed with a few dirty dishes in the sink and the next day when I get home they have been washed. And we don't live to gether yet.....

Tuesday evening was a bitch, between ESmartTax( correction EStupidTax) and getting kicked off line by Cricket braud band 26 times in less than an hour, you get the idea......

Wednesday when I get home this is what I find waiting for me.......

2 dozen red roses

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a a very lucky man....... Cherish him....