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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

In My Opinion

To me and all of the members of the GLBT community that I have spoken with about gay marriage, this is for us not a religious issue. When will those that appose gay marriage get it through there thick heads that what we want is all of the rights and responsibilities given to any and all other legally recognized married couples. Not all legally recognized marriages are condoned by each and every religion. There are religions that to this day, here in the USA, do not recognize interracial/intercultural marriages but yet these marriages are recognized as legal by the judicial system of the United States of America. Therefore if a marriage must have religious approval to be legal, I believe that it must be recognized by ALL religions. I don't want the law to recognize my relationship with TCB to get God's approval. I am who I am because I am who God created me to be and as such he will not condemn me for it, so there for I already have his approval.

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