We elect a black President, California passes laws to protect pigs, chickens and cows, and DENIES GAYS EQUAL RIGHTS. We are trampled on once again, as this country continues to discriminate against gay people.
As many have pointed out, the core source of California Proposition-8 bigotry lies at the heart of the Christian and Mormon church, and its hateful message cuts a wide resonant swath across American ethnic communities. Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics have all bought into Christian propaganda and share responsibility for its virulent homophobia.
However, as a prominent Christian and African American, not to mention leader of the Democratic Party, it is Obama who now leads the way for those who seek to block the acceptance of LGBT people in mainstream society. He has shown them how and where to draw the line that keeps us shut out, while betraying absolutely no animosity or prejudice against us personally. This is exactly the balance of benign neglect that homophobic Christian America has been searching for.
Much as Clinton caved on the issue of gays serving openly in the military, Obama undermined his flacid support of LGBT rights with his clear statement that “marriage is between a man and a woman”. Obama’s self-contradictory formal opposition to Proposition 8 didn’t discourage the Yes on 8 campaign. They proudly pictured Obama along with McCain on their advertisements, the two candidates united in support of traditional marriage.Of course, Obama’s lack of conviction on same-sex marriage has been no worse than his running mate’s, or for that matter, the Democratic Party’s cowardice. But Obama has become the undisputed leader of his Party and an inspiration to all Americans who hope to see the nation make a change for the better. If Obama himself won’t muster up the courage to oppose discrimination against LGBT folks, how can anyone expect any more support from Democrats as a whole? Is it not clear that it’s an issue that Obama has declared “off the table”?
This is truly Obama’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” issue, and it is he who has the opportunity to break the stalemate. But until Obama does some genuine soul-searching on his commitment to social justice, nothing that he says is going to make a difference.We are moms, dads, teachers, business owners, students, retirees, all races, all religions, and all ages. We have no rights to marriage or adoption. We have no equality in taxation or medical and insurance coverage. We face constant discrimination on the job. We live as second class citizens in a country filled with hate. We are the LGBT community, refused our rights as USA citizens. Exactly where is this so-called LAND OF THE FREE? And why isn't it for me or you?
Michael (Gaytwogether)(See blog list)
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