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The opinions and contents of this Blog are the opinions and work only of the individual blogger and should not be attributed to any other individuals or to any organization of which the blogger is a past or current member.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Poll Results
Man, did I get behind on this....
Seems that while only 66% of us have tan lines, 93% like tan lines on there men.
A new poll will be up in a few minutes running until the end of the month.
Seems that while only 66% of us have tan lines, 93% like tan lines on there men.
A new poll will be up in a few minutes running until the end of the month.
50,000 Hits
It also appears that sometime last week I passed the 50,000 hits point as well.....
Thanks to all you guys....
Thanks to all you guys....
500 Posts
Seems that yesterday I passed the 500 posts mark, feels like I just started this blog yesterday...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
He spoils me....
My house is decorated in Goodwill Sheek and I love it.......
Advocates on Both Sides Seek Momentum on Same-Sex Marriage
ALBANY — A marriage license is just a Metro-North ride to Connecticut away for same-sex couples in New York City. For those who live in the Hudson Valley, it is a short drive over the state line into Massachusetts.
Gay New Yorkers who live in the far northern reaches of the state can head to Canada for a wedding. And Tuesday’s move by the Vermont State Legislature to legalize same-sex marriage has given them another nearby destination.
Advocates for same-sex marriage in New York and New Jersey said the action in Vermont was one more reminder that now, more than ever before, is the time for the states to grant full marital rights for gay and lesbian couples.
But the changes face a number of obstacles, and the advocates acknowledge that it could be months, if not longer, before the changes come.
On Wednesday, as both sides moved to seize the momentum, Gov. David A. Paterson vowed to introduce a bill that would legalize gay marriage. He told an Ithaca radio station that he was inclined to push the bill forward even if it was unclear that the measure had enough votes to pass, a maneuver that rarely occurs in Albany. “We’ll put a bill out and let the people decide one way or the other,” he said. “Why can’t people just debate the bills, vote on it, and it goes up or down?”
Posted at http://gay_blog.blogspot.com/
See Advocates on Both Sides Seek Momentum on Same-Sex Marriage
Gay New Yorkers who live in the far northern reaches of the state can head to Canada for a wedding. And Tuesday’s move by the Vermont State Legislature to legalize same-sex marriage has given them another nearby destination.
Advocates for same-sex marriage in New York and New Jersey said the action in Vermont was one more reminder that now, more than ever before, is the time for the states to grant full marital rights for gay and lesbian couples.
But the changes face a number of obstacles, and the advocates acknowledge that it could be months, if not longer, before the changes come.
On Wednesday, as both sides moved to seize the momentum, Gov. David A. Paterson vowed to introduce a bill that would legalize gay marriage. He told an Ithaca radio station that he was inclined to push the bill forward even if it was unclear that the measure had enough votes to pass, a maneuver that rarely occurs in Albany. “We’ll put a bill out and let the people decide one way or the other,” he said. “Why can’t people just debate the bills, vote on it, and it goes up or down?”
Posted at http://gay_blog.blogspot.com/
See Advocates on Both Sides Seek Momentum on Same-Sex Marriage
Christian Bigots Apoplexy Over Marriage Advances

All too predictably the Christianists and professional Christian set are beside themselves in the wake of the Iowa ruling on Friday and today's votes in Vermont and Washington, D.C. What is amazing is just how hate filled some of these alleged Christians are when it comes to vilifying LGBT Americans. To these folks we are definitely less than human and they truly do not care what type of violence their messages of hate may incite. Perhaps the most vile remarks were made by radio bigot Michael Savage who said the following:
"So there are the vermin now celebrating twisted perverse marriage in the middle of America. It's a victory for perversion in my opinion. You want me to tell you what makes me sick? When I see two puffy white males kissing each other, I wanna puke. When I see two women kissing each other, on the lips, as lovers, I wanna vomit. Why? It's unnatural. It's against all of the laws of mankind. It's against all the laws of humankind. It is suicide for a society to embrace such behavior."
Speaking of "puffy white males," I guess Savage must have been looking at his own image in a nearby mirror. Not far behind Savage was the ever reliable Klan loving Tony Perkins from Family Research Council who likewise denigrated gays and anyone who would treat us as citizens deserving equal civil rights. Here is a sampling of the loving words from this professional Christian who relies on promoting anti-gay hate for his livelihood:
"Same-sex 'marriage' is a movement driven by wealthy homosexual activists and a liberal elite determined to destroy not only the institution of marriage, but democracy as well. Time and again, we see when citizens have the opportunity to vote at the ballot box, they consistently opt to support traditional marriage," said Perkins.
*"The vote today by the D.C. City Council was a direct affront to the federal Defense of Marriage Act. The radical Left wants to destroy the traditional union of one man and one woman across the country and they will not rest until they do so.
Then there are the remarks of the ever anti-gay columnist, Cal Thomas, who likewise slammed gay Americans but who at least recognized the fact that professional Christians like Tony Perkins, James Dobson, Peter LaBarbera, et al, who denigrate gays for a living ought to be doing more to support heterosexual married couples. Here are some highlights"
One must hand it to the gay rights movement. They have taken advantage of a morally exhausted nation that tolerates so many things that used to be intolerable—from abortion, to easy divorce, to pornography. And they have attacked American traditions at their strongest points, from the military, to pressuring Disney to allow “gay days” at their amusement parks, to marriage.
*The problem with the Iowa Court ruling is that it vitiates a standard that defined marriage as between two people of the opposite sex, which was God’s idea, not government’s (see Genesis 2:24), while failing to substitute a new standard. . . . As Iowa and other courts continue to dismantle the foundations of our nation without the approval of its citizens (each time the public gets an opportunity to vote on marriage, it votes to uphold the male-female version), they have an obligation to say where they intend to take us. What is the new standard for human relationships? Or do we make this up as we go, bowing to whatever pressure group makes the most noise?
To those on the political and religious right who are intent on continuing the battle to preserve “traditional marriage” in a nation that is rapidly discarding its traditions, I would ask this question: What poses a greater threat to our remaining moral underpinnings? Is it two homosexuals living together, or is it the number of heterosexuals who are divorcing and the increasing number of children born to unmarried women, now at nearly 40 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention?
*Most of those who are disturbed about same-sex marriage are not as exercised about preserving heterosexual marriage. That’s because it doesn’t raise money and won’t get them on TV. Some preachers would rather demonize gays than oppose heterosexuals who violate their vows by divorcing, often causing harm to their children.
The battle over same-sex marriage is on the way to being lost. For conservatives who still have faith in the political system to reverse the momentum, you are—to recall Harold Hill—“closing your eyes to a situation you do not wish to acknowledge.”
Since we LGBT citizens are being depicted as vermin, destroyers of society, and those seeking to destroy democracy by these Godly folk, I can only wonder how soon it will be before we see the next news story of a some gay - or perceived gay - citizen murdered by someone who feels that God supports the murder of gays and that that person (or all of us) deserve to die.
Posted at http://michael-in-norfolk.blogspot.com/

The Washington Post's lead editorial today lauds the advance for marriage equality in Vermont and Washington, D.C., yesterday. I suspect the editorial board will be excoriated in letters to the editor and applaud the board's statement of what ought to be evident to thinking Americans who support the separation of religion from the civil laws. Unfortunately, the Christian Taliban set will likely never accept gays as equal humans much less the legitimacy of our relationships and loves. Here are some highlights:
THROUGH VERY different means and under very different circumstances, lawmakers in Vermont and the District yesterday came to the same conclusion: Common decency and the protections guaranteed to all citizens by the rule of law demand that the relationships of gay men and lesbians be respected and recognized.
Conservatives often criticize judges for legislating from the bench; last week's unanimous decision by the Iowa Supreme Court to strike down a ban on gay marriage came under fire for this very reason. But even conservatives who disagree passionately with the results in Vermont should be able to respect the right of the duly elected peoples' representatives to take such action.
District lawmakers also took a courageous step in unanimously voting to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states. The bill must still be voted on again by the council, signed by Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D) and approved by Congress before it becomes law. Some congressional overseers and opponents of gay marriage will no doubt seize on the legislation to score political points. But the council should be commended for taking the correct stance in defense of fairness for those who live in the nation's capital.
There may be understandable arguments for refusing to define same-sex unions as marriages, but there are no legitimate reasons for denying legal protections to an entire group of people simply because of who they are and whom they love. One hopes the votes in Vermont and the District augur better things to come.
Posted at http://michael-in-norfolk.blogspot.com/
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