We need to find a home for Mufasa by the end of the month, if nothing is found TBC will foster him until a permanent home can be found. He available for adoption through PAN (Pet Adoption Network).
He is an 8 to 10 year old Rottweiler Blue Healer mix. Loves people but is kinda iffy when it comes to strange dogs. He is somewhat hard of hearing and has arthritis and is on a prescription for it in addition to glucosamine and Omega 3 oil.
If you are interested in Mufasa or any other dog please contact me at somewhereundermyrainbow@gmx.com and I will get you all the info that I have.
PAN is an IRS approved non-profit that runs only on income from adoption fees and donations.
There are no paid employees only volunteers. All medical expenses and as much help as we can with food is given to each dog in foster care. If you would like more info on becoming a foster parent or would like to make a donation of food, bedding, toys or cash all will be greatly appreciated. In these poor economic times is can be harder than usual to find homes for dogs with special needs and many of our foster family's have bigger hearts than wallets, any help we can get would be a blessing.