If you are not above the age of 18(21 depending on your location)PLEASE LEAVE NOW. If you are easily affended by adult/adult gay material PLEASE LEAVE NOW. Most if not all of the pics I post are gleened from free sites. If I have posted your copyrighted material, please provide proof of copyright and I will remove the posting as quickly as possible with my apologies.
The opinions and contents of this Blog are the opinions and work only of the individual blogger and should not be attributed to any other individuals or to any organization of which the blogger is a past or current member.
The opinions and contents of this Blog are the opinions and work only of the individual blogger and should not be attributed to any other individuals or to any organization of which the blogger is a past or current member.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
House hunting.....
As I have mentioned before I have been putting a lot of time into looking into some property and a manufactured home to put on it is the reason why I have not been doing a lot of posting latly. The first post below is the one that I really want and the second post is the house that I can afford. The interesting thing is they are the same floor plan. 200 sq ft and as near as I can tell somewhere around $60,000 difference....
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I have just added a poll that will close on Feb 1st
Choose your favorite oral position
1. Sucker
2. Suckee
3. As long as there is a cock in a mouth I'm happy
See the post below for results of the last poll
Choose your favorite oral position
1. Sucker
2. Suckee
3. As long as there is a cock in a mouth I'm happy
See the post below for results of the last poll
Poll Results
I asked you to choose your favorite
1. Top
2. Bottom
3. As long as there is a cock in a hole I'm happy
The results with 10 votes total are....
Top 30%
Bottom 20%
As long as there is a cock in a hole I'm happy 50%
1. Top
2. Bottom
3. As long as there is a cock in a hole I'm happy
The results with 10 votes total are....
Top 30%
Bottom 20%
As long as there is a cock in a hole I'm happy 50%
Now that's a Cowboy. I can think of a few riding styles to do with this guy. (but only one of them involves the horse.....)

ESmartTax.com ... SUCKS
For the last few years I have filed my taxes using http://www.efile.com/ with great success. Well to save a few bucks I chose esmarttax.com this year. NEVER again will I use esmarttax.com. It starts out just like efile, 'section 1' choose your return form (1040EZ), 'section 2' you put in your personal info followed by 'section 3' inputting your W-2, 1099, etc... info. I completed my federal return 'section 4' and upon reaching the review page for the return it said that I didn't want direct deposit. This is where things start going down hill (more like willfully jumping off a cliff). I hit the indicated "help" (help .... yah right) button and it said to put my bank account and routing numbers in lines 12c and 12d, so I go back to the beginning and search for the opportunity to do so (3 times), there is no line 12c and 12d. So I contact support and explain the issue. At this point I am some where between irritated and aggravated. While waiting for their reply I continue on to fill out 'section 5', my state form (OR Form 40S), it goes relatively smoothly, but wait!!!, what's this????? Do I want the State of Oregon to direct deposit my huge refund of $14 to my checking account? I click yes, the page refreshes and low and behold there are the spaces for me to input my account and routing numbers, my state return is now ready to file. I go back to the review page for the federal return and it still says that I don't want direct deposit. OK, now I'm somewhere between aggravated and irked, so I check to see if I have gotten a response from support, yes, it says that to get direct deposit on my federal return I must continue on to 'section 6' where it will give me the option of choosing direct deposit. Now I'm some where between irked and disgusted. Finally both returns are completed, time to pay and file. $6.99 to file the federal and $7.00 to file state for a total of $13.99 (less than half the cost of using http://www.efile.com/), I put in my payment info and click "File Returns". Ok, it's done. I'm back somewhere between aggravated and irked. Time to save the PDF files and print a hard copy (like I always did with http://www.efile.com/), but it won't let me, contact support again. There response is that they don't allow the paying customers to save and print there returns until the IRS approves the returns. Suddenly I'm some where between disgusted and pissed. Since I have already paid there is not much I can do but wait for IRS approval, I wait. This morning I check and approval has been given. I down load and save the returns, ok, time to print a copy. The federal return has no info in lines 11 and 12a. Now I'm just pissed. The state return won't even open. Now I'm just plain pissed off. I contacted support once again. brb ... going to check and see what there response is.... OK, now I am TFPO to the point that I'm not even going to try to explain this crap to anyone.
For those that don't know TFPO = Totally Fucking Pissed Off (one step below ragging lunatic)
In the future I will gladly spend the $30 to $40 dollars and go back to http://www.efile.com/
For those that don't know TFPO = Totally Fucking Pissed Off (one step below ragging lunatic)
In the future I will gladly spend the $30 to $40 dollars and go back to http://www.efile.com/
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